Chemicalguys Water Spot Remover, Heavy Duty 16 oz


1 in stock

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Tired of water spots? Remove them with Chemical guys heavy duty water spot removergel. Water spot are the dry minerals left over after droplets of water evaporation. Driverstypically findwater spots on their cars after parking too close to the spronklers, gettingsplashed by passer by, and after short rain fall. Withour fast aactions, caustic base compounds and minerals burn into the paint and leave permamant marks that require expensive polishing, wet sanding or repainting to remove. Chemical Guys water spot remover gel neutralise and removes mineral stains before they can turn into permamant water spot etching.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 20 cm


Chemical Guys

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